Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Final Image - Symmetry

Developed 3D Sketches - Contrast

Developed 3D Sketches - Datum

Developed 3D Sketches - Figure Ground

Developed 3D Sketches - Hierarchy

Developed 3D Sketches - Proportion

Developed 3D Sketches - Repetition

Developed 3D Sketches - Symmetry

3D Sketches - Proportion

3D Sketches - Figure Ground

3D Sketches - Datum

3D Sketches - Hierarchy

3D Sketches - Repetition

3D Sketches - Contrast

3D Sketches - Symmetry

Developed Initial Sketches - Contrast

Same idea as rats, contrasting the scale of the image

Developed Initial Sketches - Datum

Developed Initial Sketches - Figure Ground

Developed Initial Sketches - Proportion

Developed Initial Sketches - Hierarchy

Developed Initial Sketches - Repetition

Same idea as initial dog sketch but changed shapes

Developed Initial Sketches - Symmetry

basic shapes making up fire hydrant

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hand Pattern experiment 1

For this pattern i just added another layer and made it semi-transperent so it lookes like a shadow

Rat Pattern experiment 2

This one is similar to the first one but i added a couple more layers and rotated them so it looked more layered

Rat Pattern experiment 1

For this pattern i had the origional as the base and then duplicated it. Then i used the magic wand to get just the outlines of the rats, then i duplicated the layer again and then just played with the opacity

Fire Hydrant experiment pattern 2

For this pattern i used the first experiment pattern as a base and then just duplicated more images and played with their size and contrast/brightness and rotated them

Fire Hydrant pattern experiment

For this pattern i just duplicated the image and rotated it

Experiment pattern

Final - Hierarchy

Final - Datum

Final - Contrast

Final - Rhythem/repetition

Final - Symmetry